How Blacks became Democratic: The Myth of Republican Racism

It’s no political secret that African-Americans overwhelmingly vote Democratic. Democrats routinely see between 85-90% of the Black community vote in their favor. In a country that so highly prizes Democracy, one is left to wonder why there is such a disproportionate number of Blacks that align themselves with only one political party? Surely the very notion of Democracy implies that citizens are free to choose their political affiliations. With such skewed numbers, is it possible that African-Americans are politically homogenous beings incapable of independent thought? History would suggest not. There was a time when Blacks were completely Republican. There was a time when Blacks were legally prohibited from participating in the Democratic party. How then did such a drastic change occur? What prompted this mass political exodus? This article will shed light on the above questions and challenge some widely held beliefs about Black political party identity.

Following the Civil War, a series of congressional amendments were passed that sought to level the social and political playing field. They are popularly referred to as the “Reconstruction Amendments”. The 13th amendment “ended” slavery, the 14th amendment granted citizenship to Blacks, and the 15th amendment gave African-American men the right to vote. It should be noted that women(of any color) didn’t receive that same right until 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment. As you may imagine, southerners(as well as a few northerners) were vehemently against this policy that extended Black men the right to vote. Even noted advocates of women’s rights such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were incensed at the concept that Black men were given the right to vote before White women. The south was a largely agrarian(agricultural) based economy that was controlled by conservative Democrats. While the term “Conservative Democrats”(known as Blue Dog Democrats today) may seem oxymoronic by today’s standards, post Civil War America was overwhelmingly democratic and conservative in southern states. This is further evidenced by the south’s strong reaction to the election of Abraham Lincoln, the country’s first Republican President. Southern Democrats saw Lincoln and the Republican Party as literally taking the food out of their mouths by extending the rights of citizenship and political equality to their former slaves. With the majority of African-Americans still residing in the south, Democrats feared for the stability of their economy. Hence, from the late 1860s through the early 20th century, Blacks exclusively identified and tied their cultural ambitions to the Republican Party. So ingrained was this prejudice against Blacks that the Democratic Party didn’t formally allow Blacks in its ranks until 1924. In 1924, Blacks were allowed to attend Democratic Conventions for the first time. Though they were allowed to attend conventions, Blacks still identified heavily with the Republican Party. After all, it was this party who was responsible for their coveted freedom and liberties not the Democrats.

Industrialization and The Great Migration

Amidst a national change from an agrarian economy to a factory based industrial economy, the early 20th century saw a myriad of changes taking place in America. Prior to American Industrialization, 80% of African-Americans will live in the rural south. However, during this new and exciting chapter in American history that same population will being to migrate to northern cities to escape the brutality of the south and seek better opportunities. As factories started to appear, Blacks began moving north with greater aspirations of financial stability for their families. Now that they were not free labor or exploited workers in the tenant farming system(sharecroppers), they began to focus on issues of economic welfare as many of their fellow Americans had been doing for so long. These economic concerns multiplied exponentially after World War I, The Stock Market Crash of 1929, and The Great Depression. The industrial north which had once been likened to the biblical “Canaan” by black migrants had now become a financially strapped wasteland devoid of the opportunities that lured them there initially.

FDR, The New Deal, and The 1936-1944 Presidential Elections

     In the 1936 presidential election, Franklin D. Roosevelt would run on a new platform that emphasized a massive increase in government spending and support for the creation of programs designed to jumpstart American confidence in a failing economy. He called this catalyst “The New Deal”. African-American community leaders such as Mary McLeod Bethune felt for the “first time in their history”  that Blacks could voice their grievances to the government with the “expectancy of sympathetic understanding and interpretation”. Despite good intentions, the New Deal did not eliminate segregation, the rampant discrimination in employment, wages, or working conditions that had plagued African-Americans for the last decade. Government agencies like the Works Progress Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the National Youth Administration, and the Public Works Administration did increase the number of Blacks working. However, the New Deal was also responsible for a great number of job losses in the Black community as well. Because of the increasing regulations placed on employers, many Blacks who fell into the category of “unskilled workers”  lost their jobs. Unskilled and marginal workers like many Blacks, had difficulty finding work because of increasing taxes. FDR tripled federal taxes between 1933-1940 and social security excise taxes on payrolls actively discouraged employers from hiring. New Deal spending also funneled money into several western and eastern states where previous election returns were known to be close. This would leave southern Blacks out of the reach of much of the New Deal’s spending. While not aimed at or particularly effective for Blacks, the New Deal provided a ray of light in the darkness of American despair. In the 1936 election, Roosevelt would receive 71% of the Black vote and nearly that amount in 1940 and 1944 as well. The irony here lies in the fact that despite receiving a large majority of the Black vote, Blacks still didn’t formerly affiliate with the Democratic party in large numbers. Between 1936-1944 less than 44% of Blacks identified themselves as “Democratic”. They may have voted for FDR based on the New Deal but had clearly not forgotten the tainted legacy of the Democratic Party to which he belonged.

Harry S. Truman and the 1948 Presidential Election

     The next major shift in Black political party identification occurred during the 1948 presidential election. Harry S. Truman(Democrat) was elected president and would take home over 77% of the Black vote. This can be largely attributed to Truman’s desegregation of the Armed Forces and the issuance of an executive order setting up regulations against racial basis in federal employment. Despite these noble efforts, it is worth mentioning that Truman had a less than stellar view of ethnic minorities. He used ethnic slurs when referring to Jews and Italians and was known to belong to a Missouri chapter of the KKK between the years of 1920-1922. His brief association with the KKK came to an end over his desire to appoint Roman Catholics to key political positions something the klan was firmly against. Truman was  currying favor amongst Catholic voters and could not afford to isolate this voting base. He would spend years denying these accusations of Klan affiliation. His Civil Rights oriented decisions appear to be more politically motivated than a reflection of his personal affinities(or disdain as the case appears) for Blacks. However, these two major policies also gave for the first time a majority(over 50%) of Blacks that began to see themselves politically and formally as Democrats. It is important to remember that despite 12 years of substantial Black support up to this point, there were still a sizeable number of African-Americans who formally associated with the Republican party.

President Eisenhower and the Presidential Elections of 1952 and 1956

     The election of 1952 saw Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower assume the Presidency and put Republicans back in control of the White House. “Ike” as he was affectionately called was not known for progressive views when it came to Civil Rights. On the issue, he preferred a more quiet and constitutional approach that would avoid violent disruption in the south. This should not be misunderstood as neglect or apathy on his part. President Eisenhower achieved several notable accomplishments regarding Civil Rights that have gone largely ignored such as: 1) The appointment of California Governor Earl Warren as the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court(who lead a unanimous decision in the landmark public school desegregation case Brown vs Board of Education in 1954), 2) the careful and consistent appointment of southern districts federal judges who were committed to equal rights, 3) the eventual passage of the 1957 Civil Rights Act along with additional Voting Rights legislation in 1960( a precursor to 1960s Civil Rights Legislation), 4) the implementation of former Pres. Truman’s 1948 desegregation order, 5) the deployment of elements of the 101st Airborne Division to protect Black students at all-white Little Rock Central High school, 6) the first president to elevate an African-American to an executive level position in the White House, and 7) being the first president since Reconstruction to meet personally in the White House with black civil rights leaders. Because of these actions, he was able to take roughly 23-25% of the Black vote in 1952 and 39-40% of the Black vote in 1956. In holding with the 1948 election, the majority of Black voters still saw themselves as Democratic. These numbers, especially the 1956 election, show a noticeable decline for Democrats and a fairly substantial increase for Republicans(that has still not been matched today). Once again, many African-Americans saw themselves politically as Democrats though still not in proportion to the amount that actually voted Democratic.

Kennedy vs. Nixon and the 1960 Presidential Election

     The election of 1960 saw America’s darling John F. Kennedy take on Richard M. Nixon. Despite JFK’s liberal inclinations he would only take 68% of the black vote. This is only a modest increase from the Democratic performance in 1956. Richard Nixon would take 32% of the Black vote despite some questionable views on the poor and ethnic minorities.  I attribute this modest increase by Democrats to JFK’s decision to put Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson on his running ticket. Up to this point, LBJ(from Texas and a devoted southerner) had consistently shot down Civil Rights legislation. This would definitely explain the public outcry by civil rights activists over Kennedy’s Vice Presidential selection. The 32% garnered by Nixon is undoubtedly the residual effects from the Eisenhower presidency whom many African-Americans looked on favorably(including my Grandfather). President Kennedy would win the election narrowly carrying 49.7% of the popular vote to Nixon’s 49.5%. Nixon won 26 states while Kennedy won 24 states. The final electoral tally was Kennedy 303 electoral votes to Nixon’s 219 votes. After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson was thrust into the presidency only to run a short time later in the 1964 election against Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. The 1964 Presidential election would be a defining moment in American politics and the turning point in African-American voting patterns.

Goldwater vs. Johnson and the 1964 Presidential Election

     The Presidential election of 1964 was perhaps most the most defining moment in American politics. It marks the mass shifting by African-Americans to the Democratic party. Lyndon B. Jonson would win the election with an overwhelming 94% of the Black vote with Goldwater carrying a paltry 6%. The reasons for this drubbing are numerous and somewhat complex. The mid 60s was a turbulent time in American history wrought with massive wide-scale protest and resistance. The eyes of the world were on this great democracy who at eyesight appeared not to fully extend the blessings of liberty to all of her citizens. Blacks had actively voiced their dissent and were demanding equality. Despite helping to bury the 1957 Civil Rights Bill, LBJ would push the 1964 Civil Rights Act through congress as well as the 1965 Voting Rights Act. These two monumental pieces of legislation permanently endeared Black voters to both Johnson and the Democratic party. His opponent Barry Goldwater opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This was no doubt an influential factor in the decision-making process of many African-American voters. His opposition signaled an air of bigotry and racism to Black voters. After 1965, no republican candidate(even today) has received more than 15% of the Black vote. However, to generalize Goldwater as a racist would be misleading. His opposition to the bill is rooted in his staunch constitutionalist approach to politics. He believed in a strict interpretation of the constitution and believed that two of its sections, Title II and Title VII, unlawfully overextended the role of the federal government. He saw this as the federal government infringing on the rights of states to govern themselves as given in the constitution. It is noteworthy that Goldwater supported the 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts(though critics say these were substantially weaker versions of the 1964 Act). Goldwater would later come to regret his vote and his previous accomplishments regarding Civil Rights would go largely unnoticed. For example, Goldwater was successful in helping to integrate the Arizona National Guard before Truman’s 1948 order to desegregate the Armed Forces. Before he was a public official, he helped to integrate his family’s business and while a City Councilman he was a founding member of the Arizona NAACP where he remained a member until his death. For African-Americans, however, the 1964 election was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Their decades long allegiance to the Republican party was over and Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” program(a reform program aimed at eliminating poverty and increasing prosperity for all) stood as a new symbol for the hopes and dreams of Blacks. Johnson, however, had little interest in the social welfare of Blacks and more interest in calculated politics.

Thoughts on Lyndon B. Johnson

     As stated earlier, LBJ had a long track record of voting against Civil Rights legislation. As a senator, he helped to bury the 1957 Civil Rights Act by assigning it to the Judiciary Sub-Committee on Civil Rights headed by the most virulent racist in the Senate James Eastland( Democrat from Mississippi). Eastland was not a great orator and preferred to work behind the scenes supporting plantation owners, becoming a symbol of massive southern resistance to racial integration, and sullying the reputation of Civil Rights supporters. Sen. Johnson worked diligently to endear himself to his congressional southern comrades and even spoke against former President Truman’s Civil Rights endeavors as well. It has to be said that Johnson was a cold and calculating politician that spoke publicly in favor of Civil Rights during the 1960s but was privately known to use the accursed “N” word. According to Randall Bennett, author of “LBJ: Architect of American Ambition”, he notes that Harry McPherson(Counsel and Special Counsel to Johnson from 1965-1969 and Johnson’s Chief Speechwriter from 1966-1969) comments on LBJ saying, “And about 5 minutes later I heard(LBJ) say to some southerner…I’m going to have to bring up the n***er bill again”. This is an obvious reference to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Robert Dallek( a historian focusing on U.S. Presidents and former Professor at Boston University, Columbia University, UCLA, and Oxford) also notes in his book “Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and his times 1908-1960” one of Johnson’s more infamous comments, “Son, when I appoint a n***er to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a n***er”. Now as shocking as these statements maybe, there are numerous acquaintances and accounts of Johnson’s use of the “N” word to describe Blacks. Racial insensitivity, however, was not his only character flaw. He openly carried on sordid affairs on his wife LadyBird and was known for his vulgarity and love of profanity. Being from old school Texas this may not be a stretch for some(author included) to believe that he indeed incorporated the “N” word into his vocabulary. It would appear that LBJ, as most politicians, worked in the interest of political expediency rather than any deep-rooted compassion he felt for Blacks or the poor. Perhaps the most telling quote attributed to him is given in Ronald Kessler’s(An American Journalist with over 19 non-fiction books penned and the Chief Correspondent of the conservative news and commentary website “Inside the White House” where Johnson was reported to have said, “I’ll have these n***ers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

     Whether one believes he said these things or not, two things are painfully apparent: 1) he had indeed used the “N” word before and that was no big secret 2) since his Civil Rights Legislation passed African-Americans have overwhelmingly voted Democratic and that doesn’t seem likely to change anytime soon. The irony in the shift to the Democratic party for Blacks lies in the fact that we as a community have placed our faith in Democratic politicians who behind closed doors have not had our best interest in mind. We voted against candidates we believed to be racist and against Republicans we assumed to be prejudiced(and some very well may have been) in favor of ones who helped pass Civil Rights Legislation while privately cursing the Black community. So please think twice before you pigeonhole all Republicans as racists. A simple examination into the history of the Democratic party may prove surprising and enlightening.

Peace and Blessings from Dathistoryguy!

26 thoughts on “How Blacks became Democratic: The Myth of Republican Racism

  1. Pingback: How Blacks became Democratic: The Myth of Republican Racism | Uncommon Sense

  2. I have heard about the so called “1960’s Republican-Democrat shift” before, but this is the best synopsis and debunking I have read (also well balanced). Still incredible how much ignorance is perpetuated on this subject.


    Kris of Denmark

  3. If the current Democratic party consistently gets 90 to 95 per cent of the African American vote, it simply reflects the obvious fact that Democrats tend to pass (or try to pass) legislation that benefits the African-American community, other minorities, and poor people as a whole. Whether those same Democratic legislators secretly harbor the greatest number of “real” racists amid their numbers (versus among the Republican legislators), then I’m sure it matters little to the vast majority of those same African-American voters. Actions are always more important to intelligent, thinking people than any mere appearances or stated postures could ever be. And to say that blacks in this country are somehow voting against their own best interests when they vote Democratic is to make a rather obvious racist statement about the presumed intelligence of those same black people.

    • Marshall, You must not have read carefully enough. Those same “racist” Republicans did more behind the scenes, and in their lives, for black Americans than did the same Democrats who passed legislation that appeared to benefit blacks. What that legislation did was essentially imprison the black American into a cycle of handouts and disincentives to prevent them from becoming industrious and self-sufficient. Go back and re-read this articulate and well researched blog post, and you’ll notice the nuances of what I just said. Take Goldwater for instance. His personal life, and previous to running for president, his public life, did more to benefit the black Americans he could help than anything Johnson did. Anything. I lived through that period of time and I remember constitutionalists saying that the black community would end up in slums and keep themselves down because of the Civil Rights Act. It is just another progressive move to make themselves feel better, help their political lives, and let them stay in power, but do nothing but hurt the ones they claim to help. Government cannot do anytning for self-reliance. The government can only do things that destroy self-reliance.

      No Marshall, you are wrong. History has born that out, and you are just blind enough not to be able to put 2 & 2 together.

  4. Pingback: FDR’s New Deal Snake Oil Bamboozled Blacks | History of the Democratic Party

  5. “And to say that blacks in this country are somehow voting against their own best interests when they vote Democratic is to make a rather obvious racist statement about the presumed intelligence of those same black people.”

    This last sentence above is the scary type of non-thinking I can’t stand. By this logic, it is racist to think blacks would be better served by Republicans because they currently vote Democrat, and so, the only non-racist thought is to agree they are best served by Democrats? If most people accept this as truth, then it is final, there can be no counter discussion on this broad idea, that is not racist. It is an absolute fact, people every day consider carefully, not that they are having racist thoughts, but that someone might label something they say as racist or say they are offended and adjust their words to avoid it. I have flirted with the idea of calling myself a Democrat, but real world people of this thinking that I have encountered make this impossible for me to put my mind at ease with the concept.

    As a humanist I am against any form of simple labeling that stops logical thinking in us as a species. This is the type of thinking that causes more human suffering. Instead of relying on logic, some would have you cling to emotional responses for all your decisions in the same way religion(my issue with the Right) has propagated it’s human hurting evil since known history. Dogma is evil, and things that are not true, and then made out to appear so(everyone is a racist), is an insult and poison to the human mind. It doesn’t matter if it comes from an “approved source”, conformist thinking without making sure of every detail you are conforming to, is failing the obligation every free person ought to take onto themselves.

    Most people proudly self described as “Liberals” that I meet, simply regurgitate rhetoric they have never given strong thought to understand the counter arguments. I am not Right Wing, but any challenge or questioning on a concept immediately gets me the label(I declare myself an Independent). Much less have I had a Right Wing person hear some of my Left points and immediately dub me a Liberal; and in those cases it was the religious non-thinkers who are equally as guilty of being label mongers to avoid discussion. A wise person does not have a strong opinion until they earnestly research to find faults in an idea they are about to accept as true. It is anti-human to put emotional thinking above reasoning in any way, ever, because reasoning is what has improved overall quality of human life throughout history. This type of non-thinking which so many approve of as moral thinking, I can only come up with the term “Emotionalist”. They prey and manipulate emotions and fear to extend their power, where critical thinking would be an enemy. In reality they are enemies to humanity.

  6. Nice Job on the synopsis. I’m an independent. But it answers my questions. I’ll certainly share it with my family.

  7. When I give information like this to other Black voters, they believe I’m lying. Most have never heard of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and schools, espeacily in black communities, don’t teach this information.

  8. I like this history lesson, I’m 67 and it seems more like what I remember from the fifties and sixties. The Rebel party aka Republican party was formed by black and white men who were against slavery because they believed and have never stopped believing that God created all men equal. And in the sixties the men with fire hoses against blacks were democrats NOT republicans. Republicans were against affirmative action because we know black people and white people are equal in the brain department and don’t need “special” help? That is the democrat nanny state? They want blacks to feel like victim then they have an excuse for NOT trying. In 1963 when the 4 little girls were murdered, the KKK was still a democrat club like it has always been. people need to wake up, we have always know this is the truth but the elite dems in academia have been messing with their history for decades trying to cover up their racisim and hate of blacks. They use them for votes they always shave, yes even LBJ. Remember in 1964 Byrd of the KKK held a filibuster against civil rights? And he was Hillary’ Clintons hero and mentor? A racist who was high up in the dem KKK in the fifties, as were most Dems.

    • Actually, affirmative action was first started by Republican Richard Nixon when he signed into law Executive Order 11478 (unless, that is, if you count LBJ’s welfare programs that supposedly helped the black community). The law prohibits discrimination based on one’s origins and guaruntees equal opputunity for all, but it does not guaruntee equal outcome. The Republican Party was originally was formed to prevent the expansion of slavery and not to end it because they were afraid slave states might gain too much power in Congress. Most whites at the time thought blacks were inherently inferior including Abraham Lincoln, and some Republicans like David Wilmot couldn’t care less about the plight of black slaves.

    • Misinformation at it’s best. The reason people call Republicans racist is because you’re no longer the liberal northern party that freed the slaves. You’re the southern conservative party that routinely defends that flag Bill showed. What the article doesn’t mention about Goldwater in 64′ is not only did he not receive the black vote, but the only states he carried was his home state of Arizona and you guessed it..the Black Belt: Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and SC. Sad truth, he won the former slave holding states due to his refusal to help advance African Americans.That 1964 election marked the first time the south went red and this was caused by Democrat LBJ’s intention to pass Civil Rights legislation. Yes after LBJ no Republican has earned more than 15 percent of the black vote, but what isn’t mentioned is after LBJ (Outside of 76 when the Democrats ran Georgian Jimmy Carter) the south has never voted Democrat again. Speaking of black’s fleeing the GOP is only half the story. As the former Confederate states became more and more disillusioned with the new relationship between Dems and blacks, they shifted as well, turning from the deep blue sea to the ruby red block. They are the modern base of today’s GOP. Democrats became the northern, liberal party over time. Seems obvious to me Lincoln would be a Democrat today and of course the first black president was elected by Democrats. So no blacks aren’t confused about the history just why the former Confederate states keep trying to claim a man they killed a century prior.

      Show me a house with a Confederate flag in 2018 and I’m betting the kids they’re Republican and that obviously wasn’t the case 160yrs ago in Lincoln’s time. Today, the GOP is the party of Reagan if anything and Trump’s realigning it ever still. Ever heard of Donald Trump?? Yea.. First black president’s a Muslim, inability to denounce KKK at first (should be an easy one), black NFL players in silent protest are “sons of bitches”, but Neo-nazis and Confederates are “fine people”. The man broke records gaining the Republican nomination, this is the modern right. Sorry to disappoint, but blacks won’t be voting Republican in a long time. It’s much more than a ruse LBJ pulled on Blacks. The passage of Civil Rights legislation in the 60s was a seminal moment in African American history and a crowning achievement of MLK and the Civil Rights Movement. In other words they cared about his signature not his opinion.

      I wont touch Affirmative Action, but the Hillary-Byrd connection is definitely true and troubling. Republicans hit her on that during the campaigns, but blacks still felt she’s lesser of two evils.

      • The reason why Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds, as stated in the article, and not to try to win the Deep South. Besides, 1964 and 1976 wouldn’t be the last times the South would vote Democrat since Bill Clinton would win several southern states in both elections. Race wasn’t the only factor that led the south to vote Republican: in-migration to sub-urban areas, the movement of industries to the South, and evangelical preaching played a role in the southern switch, too. Yet the South is gradually becoming bluer and bluer as we’ve seen from FA, NC, and VA. Also, John Wilkes Boothe was from Maryland, a Union border state that allowed slavery. Most rednecks who pay homage to the Confederacy aren’t necessarily racist, but are just trying to preserve their southern heritage.
        The interventionist neoconservatives who are taking over the GOP are the modern right; Trump isn’t one of them. Then again, I guess Trump also thinks there are “fine people” in Antifa, too. Polls have shown African-American support for the President is increasing since his policies are actually benefiting the black community

      • #1 ) LBJ was an abhorrent racist pos and according to recently released FBI data, he was being surveillanced by the FBI for his ties to the kkk. He hated blacks and created the modern welfare system we have today to target black women to incentivize them not to marry and keep their children’s fathers out of the home destroying the traditional black American family unit. This system called the “ great society “ did exactly what it was supposed to do – destroy the black community, family unit, build a culture of victimhood, destroy hope and sew doubt, and create dependency on government or the party of big government- democrats. LBJ was right when he said I’ll have them n—— voting democrat for the next 200 years. Blacks are not only voting against themselves, their ancestors, but also for the destruction of our entire country and our individual freedoms. Think I’m wrong go look at the mass exodus of blacks to the Democratic Party with LBJ and trace it all the way to this very day and tell me blacks are better off going from what 80% two parent homes to 26% two parent homes today, blacks have the highest unemployment and lowest salaries compared to any other American ethnicity/ racial group in America and are the only group that takes more welfare than their percentage of the US population. Blacks also live in the worst part of all cities nationwide and commit vastly more violent crimes than any other Americans. Now compare this to when blacks were republicans Even in the 1920s and tell me the democrats have improved their lives. Black republicans back in the day were more likely to have 2 parent households than whites and at times lower unemployment despite Jim Crow democrat racists.
        #2) as the south has become less racist over the decades it has become more republican. The south didn’t flip to republican because of racism, it’s the exact opposite. The south flipped republican because many southerners believed in their Christian roots and Jesus Christ while the democrats continued to distance themselves from Christianity towards secularism. Same reason why the north flipped to democrat. Just look at today, we still call the south the Bible Belt. While the north and coasts hate anything Christian related and support anything that the Bible calls sinful.

        #3) Donald Trump has done more for blacks than pretty much any president in history. What the moron above stated is a 100% incorrect, trump condemned racism constantly, met with jim brown almost weekly amongst many other black community leaders to listen to the Needs in our predominant black communities and needs of our black countrymen. He stated that their were fine people on both sides of the current BLM/ equality conversation. He didn’t side with any racists, but condemned all racists many times over. The black community seen record low unemployment, closed the wage gap more than any other period of time, 4 million folks got off welfare and found employment, created opportunity zones in black neighborhoods that incentivized black entrepreneurship and made is easier for black Americans to get business loans, black home ownership increased, black wealth increased drastically compared to other times. He also changed the justice system and held it accountable for past wrongs.

        #4) it was Joe Biden that supported segregation and also called Robert Byrd a hero. It’s also democrats who hold racist Margaret Sanger in legendary regard. Biden has a history of racist remarks not trump. Remember your not black if you vote for trump?? Also wasn’t it Kamala Harris that imprisoned black men for marijuana crimes and purposely falsified evidence to keep them locked up longer???

        One day black Americans will realize that democrats have always used them for political gain and as pawns. I invite any black Americans to try an experiment and Portray themselves as a black conservative and see how tolerant white liberals are then.

    • There are a few things wrong with this narrative. In the Election of 1860, the Democratic Party was split up between the northern Democrats led by Stephen Douglas and the southern Democrats led by John C. Breckinridge. From the Reconstruction Era up until the Progressive Era, almost every candidate nominated by the Democrats to run for president was a Yankee including Union general Winfield Scott Hancock. It also ignores the fact that Republicans are usually the ones who issue travel bans, such as Chester Allen Arthur, Calvin Coolidge, and Donald Trump. Last of all, MLK wasn’t really affiliated to either political party although he supported Kennedy and dissuaded blacks to vote for Goldwater.

  9. You are wrong, Did you see the abomination abortion law the democrats passed? And you think they are NOT the same party that enslaved blacks. Lowering standards so blacks can have more chances is not a good thing it is democrat racism because they believe blacks are NOT as smart as whites. No our parties never switched. Find out how many black babies are being murdered ? Oh yes democrats use blacks for votes. and now that they are learning truth and leaving aka walking away democrats are courting illegals who are voting illegally, Think on that, Democrats are vile evil communist/socialist.

  10. Pingback: Setting the Record Straight – Reading in Between the Life…

  11. I wish this message could get out to everyone. I can see from the post above from Anonymous that they watch either cnn, msnbc, nbc, and believe the narrative that the liberal left elites want them to believe. If you think that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden, among most of the others, care about your struggle, your opportunity, your equality, then you are exactly what they think you are, and you will always be nothing but a vote for them. Planned parenthood represents the genocide of african americans. The founder of planned parenthood was quoted as saying “It can’t get out that our mission is to exterminate the Negro population.” Planned parenthood is in bed with the democrats. And that’s just one part of their plan. Since planned parenthood hasn’t been able to accomplish their mission, the new plan is to destroy all small businesses, largely run by or employing african americans, and other minorities. They try to say that the Republicans are racist because they don’t want to lose your vote. They reported half truths about Donald Trump, with the help of mainstream media, to promote that narrative. Right now, they are working to silence republicans, and Christians because we oppose killing babies. Because we want our freedom, something that many Americans, both black and white, gave their lives to protect. They use identity politics to make them look like they care. Right now it is the LGBTQ community. They just passed legislation that would allow biological males to compete in female sports, literally taking away many opportunities for young black girls to go to college on scholarships. It will also allow grown men, identifying as women to enter girls bathrooms, maybe with your daughter. It would also allow your child to transition to the opposite sex, without your permission. Their attempt at providing equal rights to transgenders stomps all over your rights, as a parent, your rights as a female athlete, your right to feel safe when your daughter goes to the bathroom. They jump on whatever bandwagon they feel can get them votes. It is not about black vs white, like they are cramming down your throats. It is about social order. Rich vs poor. The republicans represent the working class, not privileged white folks. They have pitted whites against blacks for 50 years. It serves their purpose. Their ultimate agenda is to make everyone who is not rich, poor. Then they will pay you what they determine to be a living wage. You will never be a homeowner because the government will own your land. You will never be a business owner, because the government and the elite will own all businesses. Essentially, you’ll be slaves again, along with all of the Republicans. And if you think the Hollywood elites care about you, like they claim, you’re just a consumer of their products, making them elite. If they cared so much about you, they would help you. Oprah Winfrey has billions of dollars. Has she helped your community? Republicans believe in God. Liberals elites believe they are God.

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